Zijun Zhang Bioinformatics Researcher @ Simons Foundation

Steps and Tips for Python Packaging


Steps and Tips for Python Packaging

Packaging a set of python scripts as a package is easy, and it makes your work more accessible to users. Moreover, you can better track the usage of your package over time!

1. Going from Python Scripts to a Package

1.0 handling imports within

This should have been done during the development. But if not, make sure the import you used in your scripts are properly using relative imports, and you have a file called __init__.py for each submodule (i.e., under each folder).

1.1 write a command-line interface (CLI)

Often, you would want your users to be able to access programs and the set of tools without opening Python every time. Thus, a command-line user interface is useful to provide this utility by calling your scripts directly from the command line.

The script should be named such that it’s easy to remember & called from the terminal. Look at this example called Darts_DNN here, or another example CLAM here.

The essence of the CLI is a caller script that accepts arguments. If you have not used argparse before, be sure to check out its quick start usage!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • it needs the shebang line so when directly called, the system knows to use Python interpreter
  • it’s usually put in a folder called bin, but feel free to use other names; just remember to change the folder name in the setup.py script, as discussed in the next section.
  • use argparse to manipulate input and check its sanity for multiple usages, check out how sub-commands can be implemented like here.

1.2 write a setup script

Write a script named setup.py following the instructions here.

A few notes:

  • a useful way to test and debug your scripts is through python setup.py develop, once you have written up a setup script. This will allow you to edit the code, and the changes will be reflected without re-installing evey time. Read more about the development mode here.

2. Publishing through PYPI

2.1 Register an account

Register here for official PyPI: https://pypi.org/

For the test-drive repository, regiter here: https://test.pypi.org/

2.2 Upload

CAUTION: once you upload to the official PYPI website, the script will be frozen and not further changes are allowed. You can only update with a version bump, so be sure to test everything before releasing!

Now you can upload following this tutorial, with your own account name and password! https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/

If you have followed the setup and README properly, just jump to this section in the above tutorial to build the distribution archive and publish.

The tutorial also only uploads to a test-drive repository that is independent from the official repository.

For uploading to the official PyPI repository, just use this

shell script python3 -m twine upload

3. Track usage reports

This website https://pepy.tech/ provides the easist way to track the download stats from PyPI as of September 2021.

Alternatively, Google BigQuery is hosting more detailed information for download and usage stats. A brief tutorial using SQL and Google Cloud is here.

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